Peter Larson of Runblogger posted this on his daily mile and Twitter accounts and it really is a moving video. Every time I watch it, I can’t help but rise to my feet and go for a run. The video is the story of a young man named Ben, who decided to take up running in his effort to lose more than 120 pounds. The video tells it all and speaks louder than words ever could. My initial thoughts about the video lead me to think about all of those over weight American’s out there with a launrdy list of excuses on why they can’t get out to run a mile… then 2.. then 3. Their knees hurt, they have bad ankles, bad back.. no kidding. I would too if I was carrying extra weight.. running is much more than just getting in shape.. it’s living, breathing, and experiencing life. I think Ben teaches us this point the best as he learns to reach for his own Human Potential… and boy does he. Enjoy.

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